A Dirty Mind Can Sway A Pure Heart


A Dirty Mind Can Sway A Pure Heart. Our heart is pure, our intentions are pure, but the mind can go anywhere. It can go for love, peace and joy, it can go the opposite. So it’s very important to ensure our mind is clean, our mind is clear.

Um if you have, if you have your body right, are you gonna put trash into your body? You’re gonna eat trash? No, because that’s going to create a dirty body. So why do some people put trash into their mind? Be mindful of what you’re watching, what you’re listening to, who you’re talking to, the people you’re around because they know what they say is going to go into your mind, and if it’s trash it’s going to create trashy outcomes.

A Dirty Mind Can Sway A Pure Heart

You may be an amazing awesome and loving person right in here. But if you believed based on your surroundings or whatever else that you’re not, this is going to limit your potential here. So be mindful of what you put in here. And have a technique, a strategy a system for dealing with your thoughts, dealing with when things go awry.

So you can ground yourself and you take control of your mind. I love to use Affirmations so that’s what I do um because it helps me create, it helps me really ground myself. So have a technique. What’s your strategy? Let me know in the comments below what your strategy is and follow for more manifestation tips.



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