Do You Know The Names of People Who Had Big Visions, Big Talents, Big Dreams


Do You Know The Names of People Who Had Big Visions, Big Talents, Big Dreams, but they were too scared to do anything because they were scared of the opinions of others. I don’t know any either because those are not remembered in history. It’s only the people who step out of the fear of what other people are gonna think, who stepped into their soul, who step into that higher part of themselves, who become mission-oriented and driven.

Those are the names of service that we remember. Those are the names of wisdom that we remember and we all have that in ourselves. We all have some level of it. Maybe it’s an impact our community or families, some for the world, it’s different levels for different people.

Do You Know The Names of People Who Had Big Visions, Big Talents, Big Dreams

But um we’ll ensure that we never get there is that we’re so scared of what other people are gonna think. We’ve allowed that to get to into our head that we don’t step into those missions don’t step into that place of service. So it’s very important to relinquish that fear from the mind and instead tell ourselves things that we want to believe about ourselves. So we overcome that fear of what other people think.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can