True Strength Is


True Strength Is not found in pushing people down, it’s in bringing them up. If you are comfortable enough with yourself that you can lift other people up without feeling threatened or that they’re going to be better than you or they’re gonna put you down or you’re gonna lose your position or your ego is not gonna feel sufficient or good enough.

True Strength Is

If you can do that, then you’ve tapped into a true spiritual strength, not just coming from your ego because it’s way harder to try to bring people up to lift people up to make people better around you than it is to do what some people’s default is, which is to push them down or make sure they’re the best or just seeing themselves as the person to be the best or be the one to stand out.

No, instead of saying, hey, look at me, look at me, try to say, hey, look at that person, look at that person, be able to spread the love, bring other people up, make them better when you make the room around you better. You become better.



Overcome limiting beliefs

Feel more deserving

Become more successful by first believing you can