Your Spirit is Stronger Than Anything The World Can Throw at You


Your Spirit is Stronger Than Anything The World Can Throw at You. So the way I look at things when I see things or stuff happens is I go and I tap into my spirit and I know my spirit is very powerful, my spirit is very strong and uh nothing happens in life that we cannot bear. So by tapping into our spiritual power, our spiritual power gives us strength, it gives us wisdom.

It can help protect us, our health. It can protect us from incidents. Um, by going into our spirit and tapping into that spiritual strength. It’s an amazing guide that guides us on what to do. It helps us, it protects us, it shields us.

Your Spirit is Stronger Than Anything The World Can Throw at You

It’s the greatest and it’s the best defense we have. Um because tapping into our spirit taps into the thought energy that’s around, right? So by being aligned with that we’re and we listened to that we’re guided where to go, what to do, what to say, what to speak.

And it helps us and guides us throughout our life. So we’re going through a challenging time, tap into that spirit, go within, tap into that spiritual side of you.



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