In Order To Get Access To Our Soul’s True Power We Have To Use The Tools Of The Mind


In order to gain access to our soul’s true power, we have to use the tools of the mind. The mind is a part of us and it’s a gatekeeper to the soul. So in order to do that, we have to learn how the mind behaves. And most people were not taught that we don’t know how to deal with our emotions.

We don’t know how to program our brains. Our brain is like a car and imagine you get in a car, you don’t know how to drive the car, right? It’s gonna be very hard to get where you want to go. So what’s really important in life is to learn how to use the car, how to use the mind, how to use the brain.

In Order To Get Access To Our Soul’s True Power We Have To Use The Tools Of The Mind

And some of the tools are understanding things I’m seeing, things I’m hearing are going to affect what I think and what I believe. So being aware, standing guard at your mind at the door of your mind, not letting just any sites and images in, not just listening to anything.

Because that’s going to shift your mindset. Instead, be have a system where you are proactive and aware of the thoughts you are thinking of the thoughts you were putting in using affirmations, visualization, you determine the images and the words. You want to see. You create your own reality in here. And it shows.



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Become more successful by first believing you can